
What is retention of title?
When exactly does your customer become the owner of the goods you deliver? Is the client the owner from the moment of delivery, or not? The principle of 'retention of title' plays an important role here. In this article, we explain what it is and how to apply it.
I made a mistake on my invoice. Now what?
Your work is done! Your product has been delivered; your service has been carried out. You click on 'send', and off goes your invoice. That is always satisfying. But—oops—there appears to be an error on your invoice. And whoever notices this, you or your customer, you want to correct it as soon as possible. In this article, you will learn how to elegantly correct errors on invoices.
In which language should I draw up my invoices?
Suppose that I, as a Belgian company, have a non-Dutch-speaking customer. In which language should I draw up my invoice? At first sight, the answer may seem logical. To Dutch-speaking customers, you need to send an invoice in Dutch; to French-speaking customers, you need to send an invoice in French, and to other international customers, you need to send the English version. But, legally speaking, things work differently. We will explain it to you!
betwist niet zomaar een factuur
How quickly do you take the step of disputing an invoice with which you do not agree? As an entrepreneur certainly you should not let people walk all over you. But it is better not to dispute an invoice without thinking carefully, because such an action could cost you a lot of money. In this article, we explain how it works.
What is the difference between a VAT number and a company number?
Do you have a business or are you self-employed? Then you have a VAT number and a company number. But what is the difference between the two? We create clarity in the confusion!
payment plan
Picture the scene: You have received good news from your client; he is about to pay his unpaid invoices. But there is a catch. Your customer does not want to pay the whole invoice in one go, but, instead, suggests a repayment plan. Can you or can’t you live with the customer paying in instalments? Here, we list the pros and cons of a repayment plan, and help you decide.
De IOS-procedure: snel en goedkoop onbetwiste schulden innen
The RUD procedure, or procedure for the recovery of undisputed debts, was created by the Belgian legislator in July 2016. It is known as a faster, more efficient, and cheaper way to recover unpaid invoices from companies. What are the advantages of this legislation for you? We list them below for you.
1000 thank you
Today, we opened a bottle of bubbly in our home office as we toasted the 1,000th Unpaid customer! Less than four years after we founded Unpaid, a thousand companies already rely on us to collect their unpaid invoices.
attest van oninbaarheid
A claim is considered irrecoverable as soon as it is clear and plausible that amicable or judicial attempts have failed to recover it. As a creditor, you may not skip this important step in determining the irrecoverability of the claim. If it is impossible to reclaim the claim, the additional recovery procedures will only result in a greater loss of time and money. Why is this the case? Since it is impossible to collect the outstanding debt, the recovery costs cannot be recovered either. As a creditor, you lose twice; not only do you lose the outstanding debt, but you are also charged for the collection costs incurred.
Wat is factoring
Factoring provides you with an advance on invoices that your customers have not yet paid. In this article we share some insight with you into the advantages and disadvantages of factoring, the distinction between American factoring and the traditional variant, and the difference between factoring and collecting invoices using the IOS procedure.
preventing unpaid invoices
Are your unpaid invoices piling up? Do you have to wait too long for money to which you are entitled? Do some customers refuse to pay your invoices? You can keep sending emails or letters or making phone calls, or you can call us, but it is even better to avoid this situation in the first place. The below seven tips will help you avoid unpaid invoices.
10 reasons to choose Unpaid
Unpaid invoices; you'd rather lose them than get rich. Unfortunately, as a company, it is sometimes unavoidable that you are confronted with them, and action needs to be taken. Why, in such a case, would you choose the services of Unpaid? In this article, we give you 10 reasons to select Unpaid. After all, it is only normal that you want to know what we stand for. At the end of the day, it's all about your money.
