Ready to finally get rid of those unpaid invoices?

Are you tired of unpaid invoices? Have you been waiting for your money for a long time and do you no longer know what steps you can take? Or do you want to take steps, but preferably without the intervention of a lawyer and court?

In that case we can help you at Unpaid. Enter your VAT number below and in just a few minutes you can start to collect your claim against your client. Afterwards we will take over from you! This way you have more time to spend on the core business of your company.

The conditions to start are the following:

  1. You want to collect one or more invoices from a Belgian company with a valid company number, not a private individual.
  2. Your unpaid invoices are undisputed.
  3. Your customer has not been declared bankrupt or is not undergoing a judicial reorganisation.
  4. Your invoices are not yet past due or statute-barred.
onbetaalde facturen innen

What does Unpaid cost?

In fact, all of this costs you nothing, because the costs will be recovered from your customer. However, you will be required to make an advance payment of these minimal costs.

The price of the service is broken down into two types of costs. On one hand, the costs for the lawyers’ verification of the eligibility of your case (40 euros, excl. VAT), and on the other hand, the cost of the bailiff who must make an on-site visit and draw up an official report of non-contestation. The cost for this will depend on the amount of your claim.

The advance payments will amount to a total of:

Claim value Advance, VAT excluded
€ 1 - € 1.000 € 283
€ 1.000,01 - € 2.000 € 356
€ 2.000,01 - € 5.000 € 401
€ 5.000,01 - € 10.000 € 507
€ 10.000,01 - € 20.000 € 581
> € 20.000 € 653


In addition to the principal sum and the costs, for which you will receive full repayment, Unpaid may also be able to collect interest and damages from your customer. Depending on the terms of your invoice, these may be up to a maximum of 10% of the total invoice amount and are intended to finance the operating costs of Unpaid.

What are the steps in the procedure?

  1. You enter your own details and your customer’s details.
  2. You upload the necessary documents.
  3. We verify whether all legal requirements are met.
  4. We will then forward everything to the bailiff who will collect the money for you.

I have a client outside Belgium who doesn't pay. Can you help?

Yes, we can certainly help you with clients outside Belgium. However, in these cases we cannot use the RUD procedure, as this is Belgian legislation that can only be applied in our country.  

Instead, we can ask the bailiff to prepare and send a reminder letter to your foreign client. This can considerably increase the pressure. It is important to note that we can only do this for debtors located in Europe. For debtors outside Europe, we are unfortunately unable to offer this service. Would you like to submit such a claim? You can do so here. Would you like to find out more about this approach? Click here to find out more.

Can I submit claims for different companies with my account?

You certainly can. It is possible to have several companies as well as users under one account. This way, you only have to log in once and you can submit and monitor all your claims for your various companies from one central platform. When you are not at work, your colleagues can easily take over the follow-up via their own user access. Would you like to make use of this? Just contact us and we will adjust your account so you can add companies and/or users quickly and easily.

Is my invoice eligible for the Unpaid procedure?

You must meet a number of conditions to collect your unpaid invoices via the Unpaid platform. This is because the Unpaid procedure is based on the IOS legislation, which lays down a number of legal conditions, as follows:

  1. Both you and your debtor must have a valid company number, which means that only B2B invoices are eligible. Moreover, the debtor can only have a Belgian company number. The system will ask you to provide the company numbers. At that moment, we will check whether everything is in order.
  2. The debtor has not disputed the invoice. As soon as the debtor disputes your invoice, the invoice is considered to be in dispute.
  3. The debtor is not bankrupt or in a judicial organisation. In other words, the debtor does not enjoy any protection against creditors.
  4. The invoice may not be time-barred. Are you aware of the limitation periods? No problem, the system automatically checks that, too. So, it is perfectly possible to submit older unpaid invoices for collection.

The size of the amount invoiced is irrelevant. We regularly receive files for which the amount claimed is less than €50. After all, you have earned it.