This is how to write the perfect reminder letter

If an invoice remains unpaid, you've got to act quickly. The longer outstanding invoices are allowed to remain unpaid, the greater the chance that you will miss out on payment. That's why you should wait no more than a few days after the due date to call your customer. What if the customer does not honor the agreement you made for payment? Then send a reminder letter. We offer you the crucial tips and an example of a good reminder.

Keep it clear and concise

This is not the place for flowery prose. State clearly and concisely that the invoice has not been paid and that you expect payment. Don't forget to state which invoice (or invoices) it concerns and what the total outstanding amount is.

Set a deadline

Never mention in your letter that it is a first reminder. The customer might then assume that a second or third reminder will follow. Don't give the impression that additional postponement is possible. Give the customer a final payment date. In your reminder letter, state the date on which the invoice must be paid at the latest. Also follow these tips to prevent a backlog of outstanding claims from piling up.


An invoice that remains unpaid has consequences. That should be the main message of the letter. Of course, you don't want to lose your customer. We recommend telling your customer that you would rather not have to take any further steps but that you will not hesitate to do so if the deadline is not respected. In practice, this means that you will charge interest and/or costs or that the customer will be liable for legal costs.

The above tips will help you collect your hard-earned money. You will find an example of a payment reminder here. We also have examples in French and Dutch.

And then what?

Will the invoice remain unpaid? Then hand over the unpaid invoice to a specialist such as Unpaid. It makes no sense to keep sending reminders. If you do, you reduce the chance of successful collection and increase the chance that customers will always be the last to pay your invoice. Please note, do not start a procedure until the last deadline you gave your customer has passed.

You can count on Unpaid. You can submit a claim online in full. Our team will do everything possible to get your money as soon as possible. In 89% of successful cases, this is even within 38 days. An additional advantage is that from now on your customer will be the first to pay your invoice.

Ready to start collecting?

Enter your VAT number and we will handle the rest.

Do you have an unpaid invoice or do you have questions about how Unpaid works? Call +32 9 396 34 00 or let us know when you want to be called.
